The Most Rev. Ronald Gainer, the Roman
Catholic bishop of the diocese of Harrisburg, Pa., discusses child
sexual abuse by clergy and a decision by the diocese to remove names of
bishops going back to the 1940s after concluding they did not respond
adequately to abuse allegations, during an Aug. 1 news conference in
Harrisburg, Pa. Gainer served as bishop of the Lexington diocese from
2003-2014. In mid-August, a grand jury in Pennsylvania released the latest
revelation of the worst scandal to mar any Christian denomination in our
collective memories.
That scandal, of course, is the ongoing, seemingly never-ending story of the sexual abuse of children within the Roman Catholic Church and the systematic cover-ups of that abuse by bishops and other church leaders.
That scandal, of course, is the ongoing, seemingly never-ending story of the sexual abuse of children within the Roman Catholic Church and the systematic cover-ups of that abuse by bishops and other church leaders.