An investigation
into decades of child sexual abuse within the Catholic Church in
Australia revealed Monday that 7 percent of all priests working in the
country between 1950 and 2010 had been accused of abusing children.
While the issue of abuse in the Catholic Church has been widely reported around the world in recent years, it is only now that the true extent of the problem in Australia has been set out. A royal commission set up to look at institutional responses to child sexual abuse published the shocking figures on Monday, detailing reports of child sex abuse during a 35-year period up to 2015. The commission also reported some alleged abuse dating back as far as 1950.
While the issue of abuse in the Catholic Church has been widely reported around the world in recent years, it is only now that the true extent of the problem in Australia has been set out. A royal commission set up to look at institutional responses to child sexual abuse published the shocking figures on Monday, detailing reports of child sex abuse during a 35-year period up to 2015. The commission also reported some alleged abuse dating back as far as 1950.