Whether to make any new child sexual abuse statute-of-limitation laws
retroactive to include past incidents that have gone unpursued in the
legal system became a point of contention in the Pennsylvania General
Assembly last year.
It appears like the same political and legal debate might occur again during the 2017 session that recently got underway. Currently, victims who were under the age of 18 when alleged abuse occurred can file civil charges until they reach age 30. Criminal charges can also be brought until age 30 for individuals born before Aug. 27, 2002. That limit increases to age 50 for accusers born after that same date.
It appears like the same political and legal debate might occur again during the 2017 session that recently got underway. Currently, victims who were under the age of 18 when alleged abuse occurred can file civil charges until they reach age 30. Criminal charges can also be brought until age 30 for individuals born before Aug. 27, 2002. That limit increases to age 50 for accusers born after that same date.