The Executive of the Rabbinical Council of Australia and New Zealand
(RCANZ), The Rabbinical Council of New South Wales (RCNSW) and the
Rabbinical Council of Victoria (RCV) have expressed their deep distress
by the contents of the report by the Royal Commission into child sexual
abuse at Yeshiva Bondi and Yeshivah Melbourne.
In a joint statement the rabbis said: “Child sexual abuse has caused unimaginable suffering to the victims in our community, and RCANZ, RCNSW and RCV and their members are totally committed to removing this scourge from our community and from our institutions. We offer our deepest sympathies to the victims and commit ourselves to learning from the failures of the past.
In a joint statement the rabbis said: “Child sexual abuse has caused unimaginable suffering to the victims in our community, and RCANZ, RCNSW and RCV and their members are totally committed to removing this scourge from our community and from our institutions. We offer our deepest sympathies to the victims and commit ourselves to learning from the failures of the past.