We endorse virtually any effort to increase public awareness and
understanding of abuse and prevention. But we worry that many church
officials engage in programs like this for their public relations value.
And we worry that these programs can inadvertently add to an already
pervasive and unhealthy sense of complacency in churches.
And we must remember that it’s rarely a lack of information that’s problematic in these cases. It’s a lack of courage and compassion. Church officials usually know the right thing to do about suspicions or knowledge of child sex crimes. But all too often, they’re too timid to call 911, fearing controversy, decreased membership and declining donations.
And we must remember that it’s rarely a lack of information that’s problematic in these cases. It’s a lack of courage and compassion. Church officials usually know the right thing to do about suspicions or knowledge of child sex crimes. But all too often, they’re too timid to call 911, fearing controversy, decreased membership and declining donations.