The key to the New Testament. God made him who had no sin to be sin for
us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God' (2 Cor.
5:21). It is surely one of the most startling statements in the Bible,
yet we must not on that account evade it. James Denney was not
exaggerating when he wrote of it:
'Mysterious and awful as this thought is, it is the key to the whole of the New Testament.' For our sake God actually made the sinless Christ to be sin with our sins. The God who refused to reckon our sins to us reckoned them to Christ instead. Indeed, his personal sinlessness uniquely qualified him to bear our sins in our place. -- John R. W. Stott
'Mysterious and awful as this thought is, it is the key to the whole of the New Testament.' For our sake God actually made the sinless Christ to be sin with our sins. The God who refused to reckon our sins to us reckoned them to Christ instead. Indeed, his personal sinlessness uniquely qualified him to bear our sins in our place. -- John R. W. Stott