article is ridiculous. The author knows little to nothing about
childhood sexual abuse and beyond nothing about the experience of
victims in the courts over the past several years. Allowing victims to
go to court to the age of 28 reveals the ignorance of Cusick, Lanza and
Leddy about the dynamics of sexual abuse. The average victim is 12 when
violated. The average victim takes 32 years before he or she can
disclose and failure to disclose is not "failure" but an impossibility
on the part of victims.
These three clowns have obviously never talked
to a victim or even read a responsible professional article about the
impact of child abuse. Also, there have been a number of 75 year old
victims who have filed cases and been successful because there has in
fact been evidence. Leddy does not know that even if a victim is 75 or
85 or 95, a vile crime was committed against him and the scars remain
and grow more painful and destructive with the passage of time.
opponents of this bill, such as Tim Dolan and the other mitered wizards,
deny the fact that all it does is allow people entrance to the court
house. It does not guarantee a successful case nor does it waive the
evidentiary requirements for victims.
The only real opposition is the
Catholic Bishops who are not, by the way, THE Catholic Church. They
could care less about justice, available evidence, sex abuse in schools
etc. They are concerned about one thing: the continued exposure of
their failure and the failure of their predecessors to protect children
and their criminal and sinful enabling of perpetrators.
The bishops'
crusade against the bill and against sex abuse victims in general is
narcissistic, selfish, unChristian and anti-Catholic.
They have
conveniently forgotten that the Church which they all claim they love
and support, does not stop with the bishops and clergy but is made up of
the victims, their loved ones and those concerned for justice.
So...who are the bishops and their cheer leaders hurting by their grand
standing and dishonest tactics? The Church!
These three clowns have obviously never talked to a victim or even read a responsible professional article about the impact of child abuse. Also, there have been a number of 75 year old victims who have filed cases and been successful because there has in fact been evidence. Leddy does not know that even if a victim is 75 or 85 or 95, a vile crime was committed against him and the scars remain and grow more painful and destructive with the passage of time.
The opponents of this bill, such as Tim Dolan and the other mitered wizards, deny the fact that all it does is allow people entrance to the court house. It does not guarantee a successful case nor does it waive the evidentiary requirements for victims.
The only real opposition is the Catholic Bishops who are not, by the way, THE Catholic Church. They could care less about justice, available evidence, sex abuse in schools etc. They are concerned about one thing: the continued exposure of their failure and the failure of their predecessors to protect children and their criminal and sinful enabling of perpetrators.
The bishops' crusade against the bill and against sex abuse victims in general is narcissistic, selfish, unChristian and anti-Catholic.
They have conveniently forgotten that the Church which they all claim they love and support, does not stop with the bishops and clergy but is made up of the victims, their loved ones and those concerned for justice. So...who are the bishops and their cheer leaders hurting by their grand standing and dishonest tactics? The Church!