Awareness, and to Stop Child Sexual Abuse and Child Abuse, committed by the catholic church, nuns and priest and other Denomination Worldwide

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" You shall Know the Truth and the Truth Will Set You Free.”

9 April 2016

Chicago Archdiocese ‘Unstable,’ Threatened By Financial Problems

The archdiocese of Chicago's financial situation is being described as "unstable" amid sharp declines in parish and school attendance and a growing number of clerical sex abuse settlements.
In a financial statement released Tuesday the finance team for Chicago Abp. Blase Cupich admitted the archdiocese faces "continued financial pressure" and despite "recent progress, some of [their] parishes and schools have low parishioner and/or student counts, unstable operating results and unsustainable capital repair needs." The 2015 report reveals a decrease of $1 million in parish collections compared to the prior year and a near $5 million loss at the diocesan parish center. Expenses at diocesan schools alone exceeded the tuition and fee intake by $40.2 million last year; the archdiocese of Chicago has nearly 250 elementary schools, seminaries and universities.