Here’s my theory. George Pell
returned to Ballarat as a young priest with big plans. And why not?
He’d gone from Rome to Oxford, where he reckons he was the first
Catholic priest to earn a doctorate of philosophy since the Reformation.
Decision not to return to Australia has had consequence of bringing uncomfortable questions to Rome Big things were expected of him back in Australia. He expected big things of himself. But for the next 25 years he found himself serving bishops whose record of handling paedophile priests was (in Ballarat) appalling and (in Melbourne) seriously flawed.
Decision not to return to Australia has had consequence of bringing uncomfortable questions to Rome Big things were expected of him back in Australia. He expected big things of himself. But for the next 25 years he found himself serving bishops whose record of handling paedophile priests was (in Ballarat) appalling and (in Melbourne) seriously flawed.