Between 2012 and 2015, 418 victims of sexual abuse commited by men of
the cloth have come forward say centres established by the Catholic
Church, and also a further 628, the Arbitration Centre opened at the
request of the Commission Spéciale du Parlement pour le Traitement des
Plaintes pour Abus Sexuels (Special Parliamentary Commission for Sexual
Abuse Complaints-handling) states.
During this period, the ecclesiastical authorities have given 3.9
million euros to such victims, it emerges from a new report written by
Manu Keirse, Professor Emeritus of the KULeuven (University of Leuven)
and President of the Commission Interdiocésaine pour la Protection des
Enfants et des Jeunes (Inter-diocesan Commission for the Protection of
Children and Youths) which will be presented this Monday (today) in