Awareness, and to Stop Child Sexual Abuse and Child Abuse, committed by the catholic church, nuns and priest and other Denomination Worldwide

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" You shall Know the Truth and the Truth Will Set You Free.”

5 February 2016

Former diocesan leader alleges Muller thwarted investigation of choir boy abuse

A former chairman of the lay diocesan council in Regensburg, Germany, has alleged that Vatican Cardinal Gerhard Müller "systematically" prevented the investigation of abuse in Germany's famous "Regensburger Domspatzen" boys' choir during his time as bishop of Regensburg.
The allegations against Müller, who is now the prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, coincided with 60 further alleged abuse victims coming forward since Ulrich Weber, an independent lawyer, published an interim report in January which showed that three times as many boys had been abused between 1953 and 1992 than reported by the diocese.