a former Catholic priest, I was appalled and deeply saddened to learn
that, once again, the Catholic Church failed us by allowing the
disgraced archbishop of the Minneapolis and St. Paul diocese, Archbishop
John Nienstedt, to minister as a priest at a Catholic parish in
Nienstedt had resigned under pressure last year when it was alleged that the Twin Cities diocese deliberately moved known predator priests instead of turning them over to the police. He has since left the Michigan parish because of an outcry from parishioners. The diocesan bishop, in a statement, apologized, saying he had checked all the Church laws, but it had not even crossed his mind to fully consider how Nienstedt’s presence would impact parishioners.
Nienstedt had resigned under pressure last year when it was alleged that the Twin Cities diocese deliberately moved known predator priests instead of turning them over to the police. He has since left the Michigan parish because of an outcry from parishioners. The diocesan bishop, in a statement, apologized, saying he had checked all the Church laws, but it had not even crossed his mind to fully consider how Nienstedt’s presence would impact parishioners.