James Carragher has been caged for an extra nine years having already spent 21 years behind bars. A twisted paedophile who attacked youngsters while acting as the boss
of a children's home was branded "the devil himself" by one of his
brave victims.
Vile James Carragher has been caged for an extra nine years for the terrifying sexual abuse of young boys. The 75-year-old fiend has already spent the past 21 years behind bars. Carragher’s reign of terror as head of St William’s, a school for boys with behavioural problems in east Yorkshire, lasted from 1976 to 1990.
Vile James Carragher has been caged for an extra nine years for the terrifying sexual abuse of young boys. The 75-year-old fiend has already spent the past 21 years behind bars. Carragher’s reign of terror as head of St William’s, a school for boys with behavioural problems in east Yorkshire, lasted from 1976 to 1990.