Lest anyone feel too positive about Archbishop John Nienstedt’s leaving
Michigan, let us make a sad, simple point: It should not take outrage by
parents, parishioners and the public to get a Catholic official who’s
credibly accused of committing and concealing clergy sexual misdeeds and
crimes out of ministry.
Catholic officials in Michigan and Minnesota continue to ignore the fact that six or eight or ten seminarians have accused Nienstedt of “unwanted sexual advances” against them. One reports that he faced retaliation for rejecting Nienstedt’s inappropriate and hurtful sexual moves. Several have apparently filed formal affidavits detailing their suffering.
Catholic officials in Michigan and Minnesota continue to ignore the fact that six or eight or ten seminarians have accused Nienstedt of “unwanted sexual advances” against them. One reports that he faced retaliation for rejecting Nienstedt’s inappropriate and hurtful sexual moves. Several have apparently filed formal affidavits detailing their suffering.