There are two separate but related issues here. The first is whether
child rapists are unusually concentrated in the church. This has been
debated and there are a variety of theories as to why it would be the
case. Most commonly discussed are:
They may take jobs where they have exposure to young children for the opportunity. Sociopaths are more likely to pursue careers as clergy than other people, and are more likely to be sadistic or act on urges non-sociopaths would ignore. The stress of celibacy may lead them to take whatever opportunities they feel they can get away with. Paedophiles may seek careers as clergy hoping the culture of celibacy will help them suppress their urges, or simply explain why they have no normal sexual interests.
They may take jobs where they have exposure to young children for the opportunity. Sociopaths are more likely to pursue careers as clergy than other people, and are more likely to be sadistic or act on urges non-sociopaths would ignore. The stress of celibacy may lead them to take whatever opportunities they feel they can get away with. Paedophiles may seek careers as clergy hoping the culture of celibacy will help them suppress their urges, or simply explain why they have no normal sexual interests.