Awareness, and to Stop Child Sexual Abuse and Child Abuse, committed by the catholic church, nuns and priest and other Denomination Worldwide

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" You shall Know the Truth and the Truth Will Set You Free.”

9 September 2015

Church scandal: Paedophile monks released

Two paedophile monks jailed for New Zealand's most notorious Catholic sexual abuse scandal have been released on parole, each serving less than half their sentences in prison. One of the men has been brought back into the fold of his Catholic Order, which will give him a home in Australia once his parole period is up.
The Order of St John of God says it is the best way to care for and supervise him, but a former member of the Order's professional standards committee says he is being hidden and protected. The man, Rodger William Moloney, was head of Christchurch's Marylands residential school for boys with learning difficulties, where more than 100 victims were systematically abused in the 1970s.